

    Falling in love in Venice at Molino Stucky By Giansandro Cantori Photo Christian Murianni

    Molino Stucky Hilton Venice is situated in one of the most well-known industrial buildings in town on Giudecca Island and was built between the XIX and XX centuries. It is recognized as one of the most beautiful flour mills in Europe. The first project dates back to 1884 and was commissioned by the Venetian entrepreneur Giovanni Stucky to the german architect Ernst Wullekopf. It consisted of a simple, red brick building which rose over the demolished ruins of the Convent and Church of St. Biagio and Cataldo.

    In 1895 the building was made more precious by the addition of a tower, a flower deposit and the elegant neo-gothic façade. Since then, the Mill has witnessed many structural changes aimed at increasing its production capabilities.

    In a few years, with the addition of a pasta factory and silos, it grew to cover an area of more than 30.000 square meters where 50 tons of flour were produced daily. Production was flou- rishing and intense especially thanks to the modern technology employed whereby, wheat would be hoisted to the top of the building and channelled into large funnels where an inter- nal grind process would be activated by the gravitational pull.

    At its peak, 1500 people worked in the Mill 24 hours per day, giving a great economic contribution to the city of Venice. Conflicts of war and increasing competition from the mainland as well as the death of Giovanni Stucky led the Mill to a slow but relentless downfall which drove led to its abandonment in 1955. This date marks the closure of a flourishing and successful era, which characterized the Molino since the beginning of its history.
    The preservation of the name and architecture of the ancient Molino, despite the fire of 2003 which caused severe damage to its eastern wing, is aimed at keeping alive the memory of its past and at respecting Giovanni Stucky’s philosophy to “create a long-lasting relationship with the township of Venice”.

    Born in 1843 from a Swiss family, the Venetian entrepreneur Giovanny Stucky made the history of the Giudecca. A language expert, he aroused spontaneous sympathy thanks to his magnficent demeanour and his particular appearance: 1,92 meters tall and with a long blond beard. In his youth he become acquainted with the refined mittle European saloons.
    Labor strife, war, and Stucky’s untimely death all contributed to the gradual downfall of the mill, which ceased operating in 1955.

    The Italian company Società Dell’Acqua Pia Antica Marcia SpA purchased the complex several decades later, eventually joining together with Hilton Hotels to transform the Molino Stucky into a hotel. After completing a massive restoration in 2007, Hilton reopened the complex as the “Hilton Molino Stucky Venice.

    The legend continues and is perpetuated over time. The legacy of this splendid, historical and monumental example of architecture, neo-gothic post-industrial is collected as in a relay race from Bespoke the chic and cool, accomplices the director of the Hilton, Antonello de Medici and his staff who yield to our flattery of wanting to tell in words and imagine a different Venice, made such by the pandemic that in September dedicated to its most glamorous and international event, celebrates the most iconic of the world Film Festivals, something absolutely different from all previous editions.

    We build a splendid opportunity for a products showcase, with dedicated event and promotion, to be held in Venice just during the Film Festival. The core of the event was the Bespoke Details Lounge, a suite the Presidential of the hotel never shooted before, set up for the occasion, that hosted an exhibition of major brands from men’s classic and tailored fashion: the world of “tailor made” that Bespoke has been writing about for 10 years. A world and a set of values that perfectly combine with the great cinema and the exclusive Red Carpet of the Venice Film Festival The event has taken advantage of the participation and active presence of Maison, national and international brands, great craftsmen representing the best of high-end production.

    Every day they were responsible both for the public display of their products, as well as for presentations and trunk shows on the production of the same. The status of the project is of a high standard thanks to the presence of leading brands in the world of Excellence. In addition to the exhibition event, Bespoke Magazine has taken care of narrating every day, through cameos of international life style, the events related to Bespoke Details and the most exclusive events related to the Film Festival.

    During the event, the products have been the protagonists of a video and photo shooting both at the Molino Stucky and in selected locations in Venice. The story telling lasted for all three days of the event until its realization and a gala cocktail has been helded on the panoramic terrace of the swimming pool on the 8th floor of the Molino Stucky for the guests of the Bespoke Details Lounge and for the selected guests of the Film Festival.

    We spent three memorable days immersed in an atmosphere of a particular Venice , always magical, but strangely not crowded ,less festive and glamorous, where even the Red carpet of the Lido had to submit to the rules of the pandemic and non-Assembly. More intimate, more human, but absolutely charming and true. We have hosted friends and guests, we have made photos, interviews, videos, around the places of worship and more hidden of a Venice of late summer, we have bequeathed to lull dale settembrine currents of the canals and from the sun in the lagoon, in company of a special partner like Invictus who has provided us with a wonderful boat perfect for our needs of cruising in the lagoon and the story of the days.
    A magical final evening with a cocktail party, from the pool of the Molino Stucky with the splendid view of Venice and the lagoon while the sun fell on the Giudecca, sealed this first event of Bespoke details with the promise of lovers, to return here for next year.

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